Still Life is a weekly letter for the human spirit.

I started this labor of love in 2018, and each Monday, you can expect a curated letter with visual art, a poem, a song, and a personal reflection tying it all together.

Still Life is a weekly letter for curious people looking for lost things, for the spirit-minded and open-hearted, for seriously playful adults, for amateurs who love poetry and art and music, and anyone who wants rehumanize the world.

Thank you for reading. I’m glad you’re here!

-Michael Wright

“Even after six years, I still want to read it every time it shows up. (Often I cannot bear to delete it from my overstuffed inbox in case I want to read it again).”

“Michael’s work in Still Life is so attentive, full of vitality, and steeped in generous curiosity. I love seeing the art and poems he collects, and reading his thoughts about them. Such a gift.”

"He creates connective threads between art, poetry, and spirit. Often real scholarly thought, independent of any institution...just a smart guy doing the work."

"Michael is one of the smartest and most thoughtful people I know with the most passion for art and spirituality. Even those new to the world
will be grateful for his words."

“Michael’s a thoughtful, gentle, warm, and erudite guide through matters of art & spirit. He has taught me many things and always nudges me
toward greater awareness.”

Subscribe to Still Life

A weekly letter for the human spirit—every Monday since 2018.


Michael writes Still Life, a weekly letter on art and spirit.