Dynamite Larkin poem, thanks! And I love how this issue dovetails with a recent conversation I was having with my person about how we learn today. I think we were both a bit surprised to take that question as squarely or head-on as we could ... and realize it wasn't something we'd thought much about. What is my learning style? Why does learning new ideas feel so different than learning to put new string on my new weed eater? How to account for the ground note of exhaustion around learning when we're all (seemingly?) required to keep learning new thing (especially new tech) at ever-increasing speeds? So many great questions, and I love how your offerings here bring me back to them with new possibilities to chew on (as I eye that electric fence!). Cheers.

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"the ground note of exhaustion"—so well said, Michael. Learning is always hard, and it's uniquely hard as adults. It requires persistence and a desire to keep pushing through the struggle. Glad to be struggling alongside you.

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